What is ScribbleToons you may wonder?
Well, 'ScribbleToons' is a Cartoonist, Illustrator, Animator and Digital Artist.
A one man army!
I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil.
In 2006 I watched Studio Ghibli's
'Spirited Away' and realised that
Cartoons weren't "just for kids" and someone had to actually make them!
I then taught myself to animate
and began making my own cartoons.
In 2009 I attended
the University of Bolton's
Animation and Illustration course.
The course was run by industry professionals
Pete Beard
Radio Times Illustrator
and Meryl Edge
Cosgrove Hall Keyframe Animator.
'BFG, Wind in the Willows, Danger Mouse'
I graduated in 2012 with a
Bachelor of Arts, 1st + Honours.
My Story
Since graduating from University I have worked a variety of jobs in and outside of illustration.
Drawing wise, I have made art for The BBC, Marks and Spencer and The Yogscast to name a few
(See my clients page)
It is a privileged to be able to create stuff that others can enjoy!
-William Harris (Scribble Toons)
Programs I use:

I have ample experience with Adobe Photoshop and Animate.
I have used Animate (originally Flash) for nearly 15 years and Photoshop for over 10 years.
Nearly all my current work has been produced using ProCreate on an Apple ipad.
ProCreate has given me an amazing ability to create my work digitally whilst on the move. It's collection of brushes and settings still gives me the ability to emulate traditional medium.